34 research outputs found

    Formalización algebraica del método de arriba hacia abajo de diseño tecnológico

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    La literatura sobre ingeniería del software contiene numerosas propuestas para sistematizar las operaciones de diseño y ayudar en la toma de decisiones relacionadas con las soluciones a los problemas. Este artículo propone un marco conceptual para justificar la técnica de arriba hacia abajo que se sigue en el diseño tecnológico. El punto de partida es el enunciado de un problema en su versión de conjetura inicial, esto es, una hipótesis, y consta de una fase inicial que es esencialmente del ámbito del problema, y una segunda fase que es esencialmente del dominio de la solución. La fase del dominio del problema aborda una técnica para expresar el enunciado del problema con formato de una definición correcta y exacta, contextualizada en un dominio de referencia que es un modelo del problema y basada en una estructura sintáctica preestablecida. Esta fase produce una especificación formal del problema con formato de una expresión lógica o matemática que refiere el problema a un modelo y que denota, desde un enfoque externo al problema, los objetivos que se persigue que la solución satisfaga. La fase del dominio de la solución obtiene una especificación estructural de una solución al problema, que consiste en un árbol descriptor de la jerarquía de los módulos que componen la estructura y un grafo de las relaciones entre módulos, es decir, de la organización de los módulos. El fundamento del proceso de tomar decisiones de arriba hacia abajo consiste en clasificar las acciones que conforman el método de diseño y en establecer una ordenación entre las clases de acciones encontradas. Se propone un caso de estudio sencillo para poner de relieve el alcance de esta propuesta

    Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Network for Ship and Spill Detection Using SLAR Images

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    This paper presents a system for the detection of ships and oil spills using side-looking airborne radar (SLAR) images. The proposed method employs a two-stage architecture composed of three pairs of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Each pair of networks is trained to recognize a single class (ship, oil spill, and coast) by following two steps: a first network performs a coarse detection, and then, a second specialized CNN obtains the precise localization of the pixels belonging to each class. After classification, a postprocessing stage is performed by applying a morphological opening filter in order to eliminate small look-alikes, and removing those oil spills and ships that are surrounded by a minimum amount of coast. Data augmentation is performed to increase the number of samples, owing to the difficulty involved in obtaining a sufficient number of correctly labeled SLAR images. The proposed method is evaluated and compared to a single multiclass CNN architecture and to previous state-of-the-art methods using accuracy, precision, recall, F-measure, and intersection over union. The results show that the proposed method is efficient and competitive, and outperforms the approaches previously used for this task.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Government’s Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness under Project RTC-2014-1863-8 and in part by Babcock MCS Spain under Project INAER4-14Y (IDI-20141234)

    Developing Ubiquitous Sensor Network Platform Using Internet of Things: Application in Precision Agriculture

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    The application of Information Technologies into Precision Agriculture methods has clear benefits. Precision Agriculture optimises production efficiency, increases quality, minimises environmental impact and reduces the use of resources (energy, water); however, there are different barriers that have delayed its wide development. Some of these main barriers are expensive equipment, the difficulty to operate and maintain and the standard for sensor networks are still under development. Nowadays, new technological development in embedded devices (hardware and communication protocols), the evolution of Internet technologies (Internet of Things) and ubiquitous computing (Ubiquitous Sensor Networks) allow developing less expensive systems, easier to control, install and maintain, using standard protocols with low-power consumption. This work develops and test a low-cost sensor/actuator network platform, based in Internet of Things, integrating machine-to-machine and human-machine-interface protocols. Edge computing uses this multi-protocol approach to develop control processes on Precision Agriculture scenarios. A greenhouse with hydroponic crop production was developed and tested using Ubiquitous Sensor Network monitoring and edge control on Internet of Things paradigm. The experimental results showed that the Internet technologies and Smart Object Communication Patterns can be combined to encourage development of Precision Agriculture. They demonstrated added benefits (cost, energy, smart developing, acceptance by agricultural specialists) when a project is launched.This research was supported by Industrial Computers and Computer Networks program (I2RC) (2015/2016) funded by the University of Alicante

    Electromagnetic Differential Measuring Method: Application in Microstrip Sensors Developing

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    Electromagnetic radiation is energy that interacts with matter. The interaction process is of great importance to the sensing applications that characterize material media. Parameters like constant dielectric represent matter characteristics and they are identified using emission, interaction and reception of electromagnetic radiation in adapted environmental conditions. How the electromagnetic wave responds when it interacts with the material media depends on the range of frequency used and the medium parameters. Different disciplines use this interaction and provides non-intrusive applications with clear benefits, remote sensing, earth sciences (geology, atmosphere, hydrosphere), biological or medical disciplines use this interaction and provides non-intrusive applications with clear benefits. Electromagnetic waves are transmitted and analyzed in the receiver to determine the interaction produced. In this work a method based in differential measurement technique is proposed as a novel way of detecting and characterizing electromagnetic matter characteristics using sensors based on a microstrip patch. The experimental results, based on simulations, show that it is possible to obtain benefits from the behavior of the wave-medium interaction using differential measurement on reception of electromagnetic waves at different frequencies or environmental conditions. Differential method introduce advantages in measure processes and promote new sensors development. A new microstrip sensor that uses differential time measures is proposed to show the possibilities of this method.This work is partially supported by the University of Alicante (Spain)

    Precision Agriculture Design Method Using a Distributed Computing Architecture on Internet of Things Context

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has opened productive ways to cultivate soil with the use of low-cost hardware (sensors/actuators) and communication (Internet) technologies. Remote equipment and crop monitoring, predictive analytic, weather forecasting for crops or smart logistics and warehousing are some examples of these new opportunities. Nevertheless, farmers are agriculture experts but, usually, do not have experience in IoT applications. Users who use IoT applications must participate in its design, improving the integration and use. In this work, different industrial agricultural facilities are analysed with farmers and growers to design new functionalities based on IoT paradigms deployment. User-centred design model is used to obtain knowledge and experience in the process of introducing technology in agricultural applications. Internet of things paradigms are used as resources to facilitate the decision making. IoT architecture, operating rules and smart processes are implemented using a distributed model based on edge and fog computing paradigms. A communication architecture is proposed using these technologies. The aim is to help farmers to develop smart systems both, in current and new facilities. Different decision trees to automate the installation, designed by the farmer, can be easily deployed using the method proposed in this document.This research was supported by Industrial Computers and Computer Networks program (I2RC) (2016/2017) funded by the University of Alicante

    Smart Management Consumption in Renewable Energy Fed Ecosystems

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    Advances in embedded electronic systems, the development of new communication protocols, and the application of artificial intelligence paradigms have enabled the improvement of current automation systems of energy management. Embedded devices integrate different sensors with connectivity, computing resources, and reduced cost. Communication and cloud services increase their performance; however, there are limitations in the implementation of these technologies. If the cloud is used as the main source of services and resources, overload problems will occur. There are no models that facilitate the complete integration and interoperability in the facilities already created. This article proposes a model for the integration of smart energy management systems in new and already created facilities, using local embedded devices, Internet of Things communication protocols and services based on artificial intelligence paradigms. All services are distributed in the new smart grid network using edge and fog computing techniques. The model proposes an architecture both to be used as support for the development of smart services and for energy management control systems adapted to the installation: a group of buildings and/or houses that shares energy management and energy generation. Machine learning to predict consumption and energy generation, electric load classification, energy distribution control, and predictive maintenance are the main utilities integrated. As an experimental case, a facility that incorporates wind and solar generation is used for development and testing. Smart grid facilities, designed with artificial intelligence algorithms, implemented with Internet of Things protocols, and embedded control devices facilitate the development, cost reduction, and the integration of new services. In this work, a method to design, develop, and install smart services in self-consumption facilities is proposed. New smart services with reduced costs are installed and tested, confirming the advantages of the proposed model.This research was funded by the Industrial Computers and Computer Networks program (Informatica Industrial y redes de Computadores (I2RC)) (2018/2019) funded by the University of Alicante, Wak9 Holding BV company under the eo-TICCproject, and the Valencian Innovation Agency under scientific innovation unit (UCIE Ars Innovatio) of the University of Alicante at https://web.ua.es/es/ars-innovatio/unidad-cientifica-de-innovacion-ars-innovatio.html

    Intelligent Power Management System Using Hybrid Renewable Energy Resources and Decision Tree Approach

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    Optimal power usage and consumption require continuous monitoring, forecasting electric energy consumption and renewable generation. To facilitate integration of renewable energies and optimize their resources, new communication and data processing technologies are used in new projects. This article shows the works and results obtained in the eoTICC project. The objective is to design and develop an intelligent energy manager using the Archimedes wind turbine and a solar generation system, both integrated in industrial and residential power facilities. Solutions based on Artificial Intelligence paradigms and Internet of Things protocols allow automatic decision making to optimize energy management. In a facility, the energy demand and weather forecasts can be known by an intelligent energy manager. With these conditions, the energy manager can develop rules based on decision trees to automate control actions aimed at optimizing the use of energy. This article shows the architecture of IoT infrastructure and the first rules designed in the project. The result obtained provides improvements in the use of renewable energy in current facilities that do not use this type of intelligent management. The improvements allow to use the energy at the time of generation, avoiding unnecessary storage.This research was supported by Industrial Computers and Computer Networks program (I2RC) (2017/2018) funded by the University of Alicante, Wak9 Holding BV company under eo-TICC project and the Valencian Innovation Agency under scientific innovation unit (UCIE Ars Innovatio) of the University of Alicante

    Gait Analysis Using Computer Vision Based on Cloud Platform and Mobile Device

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    Frailty and senility are syndromes that affect elderly people. The ageing process involves a decay of cognitive and motor functions which often produce an impact on the quality of life of elderly people. Some studies have linked this deterioration of cognitive and motor function to gait patterns. Thus, gait analysis can be a powerful tool to assess frailty and senility syndromes. In this paper, we propose a vision-based gait analysis approach performed on a smartphone with cloud computing assistance. Gait sequences recorded by a smartphone camera are processed by the smartphone itself to obtain spatiotemporal features. These features are uploaded onto the cloud in order to analyse and compare them to a stored database to render a diagnostic. The feature extraction method presented can work with both frontal and sagittal gait sequences although the sagittal view provides a better classification since an accuracy of 95% can be obtained.This research is part of the FRASE MINECO project (TIN2013-47152-C3-2-R) funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain

    A vision-based system for intelligent monitoring: human behaviour analysis and privacy by context

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    Due to progress and demographic change, society is facing a crucial challenge related to increased life expectancy and a higher number of people in situations of dependency. As a consequence, there exists a significant demand for support systems for personal autonomy. This article outlines the vision@home project, whose goal is to extend independent living at home for elderly and impaired people, providing care and safety services by means of vision-based monitoring. Different kinds of ambient-assisted living services are supported, from the detection of home accidents, to telecare services. In this contribution, the specification of the system is presented, and novel contributions are made regarding human behaviour analysis and privacy protection. By means of a multi-view setup of cameras, people's behaviour is recognised based on human action recognition. For this purpose, a weighted feature fusion scheme is proposed to learn from multiple views. In order to protect the right to privacy of the inhabitants when a remote connection occurs, a privacy-by-context method is proposed. The experimental results of the behaviour recognition method show an outstanding performance, as well as support for multi-view scenarios and real-time execution, which are required in order to provide the proposed services

    The state of the Martian climate

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    60°N was +2.0°C, relative to the 1981–2010 average value (Fig. 5.1). This marks a new high for the record. The average annual surface air temperature (SAT) anomaly for 2016 for land stations north of starting in 1900, and is a significant increase over the previous highest value of +1.2°C, which was observed in 2007, 2011, and 2015. Average global annual temperatures also showed record values in 2015 and 2016. Currently, the Arctic is warming at more than twice the rate of lower latitudes